The Good
There have been a lot of good posts about the recent #PinotNoir blowout that took place. The entire event was so much fun, and represents an international community Twitter event the likes of which I've never seen before. So, with all of the great posts on the event, how did I choose the one to feature here? Easy, I picked the one that has a video that mentions my hometown of Lubbock, Texas. :) This video is from the WineTonite blog.
This is the first time I have ever heard Lubbock associated with a wine event before a national (okay, so international) audience. I also give this video props for another thing I haven't seen before, Joe Herrig sporting his full title, "Joe Harrig CSW" (need some theme music for this, and maybe a little TV show intro vid).
BTW, I'm taking this opportunity to once more pimp my boy Ed Thralls effort to get a gig in Chile for Lapostolle. Give Ed a hand in pursuing his wine dreams. Here's how you can help.
The Bad
This might be cheating a bit, but I'm becoming an expert at that in this feature. I actually wrote a post that touched on this topic, but I wanted to give Jeff Lefevere another shout out for this great post on Biodynamics. The bad in this situation is all of the loss of civilized discourse that surrounds the topic of Biodynamics. I like Jeff's "live and let live" approach to the question, and I think that the wine community at large probably feels the same way. Whether you like BioD wines or not, it seems like a little civility never hurt any conversation.
The Ugly
Photo lifted from
I pretty much relegate anything Glenn Beck straight into my own personal "Ugly" pile. Dr. Vino draws a great comparison between the "sky is falling" scare tactics being employed in the Great Cork Debate to Mr. Beck's own brand of screwcap thinking. This leads nicely into one of my favorite videos from the Colbert Report, so enjoy -
The Colbert Report | Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c | |||
Doom Bunker - Glenn Beck's "War Room" | ||||
did you just go 5-for-5 on Monday-Friday posts? That, sir, is the Good here.
Joe Herrig, Certified Social Worker (that's how CSW shows up in LinkedIn)
Posted by: The Unbranded Calf | 07/23/2010 at 01:51 PM
Actually, I did go 5-for-5 the last two weeks, but this week I went 6-for-5, but I missed a day. :) I had two days that featured multiple posts.
Posted by: Vinotology | 07/23/2010 at 01:56 PM
Bio-D in Texas....let's see, what does that mean?
We need to get the rattlesnakes to bite the racoons who eat the bird eggs, that eat the grasshoppers that eat the Glassywing Sharpshooters that cause PD of the grape vines.
Russ :)
Posted by: VintageTexas | 07/23/2010 at 02:06 PM
Lol. Yeah, BioD would be pretty interesting here. We do have plenty of cow horns though (although I know us Texans say "cattle"). :)
Posted by: Vinotology | 07/23/2010 at 02:12 PM